
"I Spy God in a Big Way" at Camp Fairwood.

On Friday, the 15th, my boss was telling us that the upcoming week we didn't have a lot of work to do so we would probably have to take time off...while she was telling us this I got a call from the Director of Camp Fairwood asking me if I would be able to be a counselor the same week. Um...I really don't think God can make it more clear. David said it was alright, considering he's never home anyway. So I told Pastor Brad that I was able, but I would need transportation. A couple hours later, God provided that also!! So just when I thought I would never get to camp this year, God sent me to Fairwood. I had never been there before but had heard it was incredible! So I took off a couple days before camp started. I had a blast getting to know the place and the people. They were so open to me and by the end of the week, I felt like I had been on staff all summer. There are some truly amazing and fun ladies there! I love them! Camp started monday, the age group was 5-6th graders. IT WAS HOTT. OH my. no airconditioning. But God still worked! 
These are my girls :) Even though this age can be a handful and at times..annoying...I love working with them because this is the age where there eyes really are opened. They have lots of questions and things start making sense. At this age doubt of salvation has usually been in there mind, and this is often when they choose to make God theirs forever, either through rededication of life to God or assurance of salvation. That's at least the age I was when I came to that point. I got the amazing opprotunity to lead two of the girls to Christ. Specifically the one in the middle with the writing on her shirt, and the one on the far right with a red shirt :) It was amazing to watch as they dug into God's word to read truth, and then to come to the saving knowledge of Christ!! I had two girls decide to get baptized! 4 girls committed to spending 20 min for 20 days in their Bibles and through prayer. One girl was just so excited about what God is doing in her life and one night she shared a verse that she calls her "I spy God in a Big way" verse. Her family is going through a hard time financially but she shared in the Bible how God will always take care of you. It did my heart good to see her loving God and being so blown away by him, even at 12. I did have 2 very homesick girls, but both made it to the end of the week and did admit to having fun :) So that was exciting! I love how God always has a plan. For some reason, he decided to send me there. And he sent the girls he did. I spy God in a Big Way at Camp Fairwood!

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