
H&W Wednesday...New Year's Resolutions

It's February 1st! How are those New Year's resolutions coming along??? At the work we are booming with memberships as people are trying to lose weight...come Aprilish they will most likely start dropping. This is typical at any fitness center. People lose focus, effort and energy (and maybe even the mula!). If you ask me...they made a Resolution...but NOT a GOAL. I have learned so much about health behavior change and there are different stages of change, which I will talk about sometime. But today, my goal is to help save some of those quickly (or slowly!) dwindling resolutions. So no matter whether your resolution is health or not, it IS behavior change...and setting a "SMART" goal will be of MUCH help! A SMART goal is...

How do your resolutions match up with the smart goal "rules"?? I highly suggest you revamp those resolutions! It will help organize it in your brain and actually give you a PLAN, rather than an IDEA.Just so you have an example, I will give you my current goal!    

Starting Friday, February 3rd, I will do a cardio workout consisting of :
  • 5 min warm up on the treadmill
  • 5 min of warm up stretching
  • 15-20 min on the bike
  • 20-25 min on the eliptical
  • 5-10 min of stretching and yoga
 for 45-60 minutes every Mon/Wed/Fri at 10AM at the GV fitness center until the end of February. 

Let's pick it apart:
Specific: CARDIO Workout and what it consists of
Measurable: the specific #s 
Attainable: After I make the goal, I should have a feeling of "yeah, I can do that"...for me making it to the end of Feburary makes me feel like it's possible...all about the baby steps :)
Realistic: I chose the days and times I did b/c they are the absolute most convenient times for me. I COULD workout before my 8 am class...unfortunately I know I am not a morning person and it would just not be realistic for me.
Time specific: Start date/ End date and time of workout

I guarentee you putting your resolutions into SMART goals WILL help...and like I said, this can be used for ANYTHING! ...WHAT is your SMART GOAL?????
Always Keep (your) HeART (strong!)....later gators...jennifer :)

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