
Introducing "Health & Wellness Wednesday"!

Welcome! I have decided that the knowledge I have gained over my past college career (so far) is too important not to share! SO, every Wednesday, I am going to do my best to post a blog about Health & Wellness. My degree (Health Promotion- emphasis on fitness) and thus skill/knowledge set is very broad concerning H & W, so there will be much variety! Much of my training is in preventative medicine, but I have also gained much knowledge in disease management (which is one of my favorite parts :) ) I would also encourage any topic requests or specific questions! In turn, I would love to hear your comments! Remember, every one is different, various things work for various people. If you have requests/questions please feel free to leave them in a blog comment post, or facebook me! Of course if you have any questions you would like me to answer to only you, then facebook msg me or email me (jlhartwig29@gmail.com) and I will do my best to get back to you! Hopefully this is something you enjoy and will find helpful! If not, it's my passion, so bear with me :) Thank ya!

Always Keep (your) HeART (strong!) ......Jennifer :)

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