*Oh...and I added some pics that was not shown on facebook...you are not alone.
1. PRAY.Tell everyone to pray for you.
2. JUST DO IT. I am a chronic brain-stormer with 0 action. Everytime you have an idea, follow it up by asking yourself when you are going to do it."Later" is not an answer. It can happen later, but literally write down on the pocket calendar in your purse what day you will do it. This will help MAJORLY.
3.Set planned times aside that are just FUN. I always am motivated best by incentives!Make goals!That way you can have things accomplished and feel good while having fun. EX: my roommate and I would have a night in, watch a movie and eat chili's chips, salsa, and ranch :).Don't have time?? Oh yes you do, because if you don't, I promise you WILL snap.So please, save everyone else from that experience.
4.TANNING & WORKING OUT! I know you are all doing one or another, but seriously.it will rock your world. Doctors orders: a 2-3 times a week: 30 min to 90 minutes of tanning and some simple work out (running,jogging, walking, jump rope, my choice: eliptical :))....Unless if you already have a work out plan, DO not exceed more than this, you will have an excuse that "you don't have time".This releases a TON of endorphins, making you happy and giving you energy to kick wedding planning butt!
5.EAT HEALTHY! At least get your fill of fresh fruit and veggies!! They are packed full of nutrients and vitamins that provide energy!
6. SLEEP PROPERLY! Just go to bed, please.No one wants a grouchy bride or fiancee.
7. TALK IT THROUGH!! 1)never stop communicating constantly with the primary person you are planning with (EX: Mom). always stay on the same page. 2) When you feel accomplished, call a friend up and let them know everything you got done!! 3) Have a few different people that you can call, that will bear with you as you go on and on about things you need to get done. Talking about it locks it in your brain, and the other person can help you think stuff through.
8. DATE: If you need one, tell you're fiance. Don't let him play the guessing game (that goes for anything!). Allow him to plan a stress free night!
9. SHOP for honeymoon clothes! It's so much more fun than shopping for the perfect color and width ribbon for the pew bows.AND you are getting something done!
*My Camp Girlfriends helped me pick out this shirt...yes this is in mexico!
10. Just REMEMBER: In the End...